Green And Clean Conference 
This student poster project connects with the brochure developed for The Green and Clean Conference; the imagery was the primary purpose. Having different designs represented higher creativity within the project. The design decision was to show additional eco-friendly resources to display the types to the viewers. The electric car appears with light colour tones attracting the audience. At the same time, the vehicle is receiving its energy from a natural source as a tree. The green vine replaces a fuel hose like used at gas stations. The decision for the fuel line is to help process the view of reusing clean energy worldwide.

Green And Clean Conference 
I created a brochure for The Green and Clean Conference for Renewable energy. I got the opportunity to design illustrations that connected with eco-friendly resources to help the world. The design of the brochure was kept simple for legibility and to decrease the carbon footprint. The wind turbines were placed for their recognizable features of an eco-friendly resource and appeal. I stayed with a colours pallet that displayed earth tones keeping with the project’s purpose of cutting back climate change using the earth’s natural resources.

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