Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfils the purpose and meets the needs of the audience.
I was assigned to create a children’s education app focusing on numbers for three- and four-year-olds. The app I created was Apple Counting Orchard; the activities and interaction include the child touching apples on the tree; when an apple is touched, it will fall into a basket and count aloud. Once all the apples are in the basket, an animation will play, counting all the apples aloud again while simultaneously getting eaten by a caterpillar. A brief, colourful firework animation will appear when the level is complete. It represents my communication skill because I had to develop the app based on toddler literacy to make it understandable. 
Case 2
Over the summer, I did some freelance artwork projects for a client in Ottawa. I had to use a lot of communication online with emails and messaging. Asking her what tasks she wanted to be completed by me and what she wanted while showing her the progress I had made throughout the week and just making sure we were on the same page along the journey. I checked in with the client about any changes or additions, making sure the client would receive what she wanted; at the end, I was able to get her mailing address and postal code to send it off by mail; I kept in touch to make sure she got the product. The client got in touch and mentioned that they were delighted with what was created. 

2 Respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication. ​​​​​​​
During Group projects, I used communication a lot, being transparent with what tasks needed to be completed, and with classes being online, I’m constantly communicating to my classmates and teachers.
Case 2 
I’ve responded to emails from teachers, clarifying lost information or letting them know if I’ll be late or missed to receive further instructions. Im always on top of emails to see what needs to be done, watch class recordings to stay up to date and even message other classmates to see what they’ve done. ​​​​​​​

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