8 Show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems and contributions of others.
Case 1 
I’m always using a respectful tone with everyone I meet. I stay open-minded because you never know who you’ll meet or what new information and ideas they could have to offer. Having critiques and getting classmates’ opinions is an excellent way to gain strong ideas from your classmates, and giving feedback to someone else can help them see things from a different perspective.
Case 2 
During a group critique from typography four, we had made posters for an environmentally friendly conference. The theme was a car getting its energy from plants within my poster. My design was simple but straightforward. The small image on the right was the first copy, and the larger picture was my final poster copy. My group in the critiques gave me a lot of great opinions on what I can fix that would benefit the advertising of the environmental conference. I received suggestions like “make a date smaller” “move the type down, increase it a few points” I also spaced out the icons at the bottom to balance the corner. With the fantastic feedback from my peers, I was able to make a more substantial poster!
9 Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals. 
Case 1 
In my design thinking strategy class, we had to make a presentation for the design process using the website d.school; we worked in a group of 3. Working as a team, we set goals for ourselves to make sure everything was finished on time, that we weren’t behind and being comfortable with where we were for presenting. We split up the work equally, so no one felt like contributing more. We also set up team meetings to take turns practicing the presentation while also asking questions to make sure we sounded confident when it was our turn to present to the class.
Case 2 
In a few of my classes, we have discussion boards. The discussion board is a folder where we usually add our progress work or assignment so our peers can read or watch the posts we create, add comments, making suggestions. The discussion board is a team effort for it to work correctly. Everyone has to comment and ask questions to help develop their creativity.

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